Warhammer Quest-What you have to do before starting an adventure

Before you start the game you should see how many wounds (W) your character has.

The Barbarian rolls a six-sided dice and adds the number 9. The number of his wounds ranges from10 to 15 wounds.

The Dwarf rolls a six-sided dice and adds the number 8. The number of his wounds ranges from 9 to 14 wounds.

The Elf throws a six-sided dice and adds the number 7. The number of his wounds ranges from 8 to 13 wounds.

The Mage rolls a six-sided dice and adds the number 6. The number of his wounds ranges from 7 to 12 wounds.

The first time you roll 1 you can throw the dice again. If you roll 1 again, then the result stays as it is.

Then the Mage takes up his spells. There are three categories, from which you must choose at random one spell from each:

Α) Defensive spells,
Β) Offensive spells,
C) Healing spells.

After selecting his spells the Mage throws a six-sided dice to see how many Power tokens he will have throughout the adventure. In case you rolled 1 he may throw the dice again. If you roll 1 again then the second result stands.

1. Take the five cards with the Objective room. Shuffle them and pick one at random.
2. Take the Adventure Book and roll a six-sided dice to see which adventure you can play (corresponding to the Objective room you have drawn).
3. Mix the Dungeon cards and pick six turned down. Then, take the Objective Room o and shuffle them. Then pick randomly six more Dungeon cards and place them onto the already seven picked- up cards. Now you have a stack of thirteen cards. These is your adventure!
4. Turn up a Dungeon card. Place the corresponding tile and put a door. This is your entry. The card tells you on where to place the next door (it is marked with white color).
5.  Place the Leader of the group in any square you want and then place the remaining characters in (I) order, always starting with the highest.
6. Let the Adventure begin!

The game is played in rounds. Each round breaks in phases. These are:
1. Power Phase: in this phase the mage throws a die to see how much power can be picked up by the winds of magic. In this phase you may have an unexpected event.

2. The Warriors’ Phase: in this phase the characters move, fight monsters and prepare to explore new rooms.

3. The Monsters’ Phase: in this phase the monsters move and fight.

4. The Exploration Phase: in this phase your characters can search what lies behind a new door. By the end of this phase the round is completed.

Every character has his personal equipment. This equipment can be used by the other characters without being next to each other.

The Dwarf has been hurt. The Elf can use his healing potion to restore the Dwarf’s wounds.

During the game the characters earn treasure, either by killing monsters or completing the Objective Room. If the treasure is equipment it can be used by the character that earned it (unless the card says that he can’t). He can have multiple equipment cards with but he can use only one type.

The Barbarian has a suit of armor and wins another one. He chooses which of the two he will use.

Characters between them can give or lend any treasure card they have. The exchange can occur ONLY at the end of the round and there are no Monsters in the room.

***Important Rule ***. When you roll the dice and you roll a natural 1 is considered a failure. If you roll 6 is considered a success.
