Munchkin Cthulhu: The rules and the FAQ- Οι κανόνες και οι συχνές ερωτήσεις

The rules of the game!

Οι κανόνες του παιγνιδιού (στην Αγγλική γλώσσα)


Munchkin Cthulhu
Q. All the other other players in game are already Cultists. If I play a card to make myself a Cultist, the game should immediately end. Can another player use O R'lyeh? to cancel the card/my cultism/the end of the game?
A. Very few cards in Munchkin actually cancel the effects of another card, as though it never happened. . . but O R'lyeh is one of them. In this case, the game did not end, because you never became a Cultist.

Q. I have the Cult Membership card. When am I a cult member? How often can I change it? 
A. You can change it at will, whenever you wish, for whatever purposes you wish (and no others). For instance, you can count as a cult member for purposes of gaining +2 bonuses in combat, while not counting as a cult member so you do not give the only other non-Cultist a level. If this is confusing, you should probably avoid reading any eldritch tomes you might encounter.

Q. All the other players are Cultists. I have the Cult Membership card. If I'm the highest-Level player, can I now count as a Cultist for the purpose of ending (and winning) the game? 
A. Yes. Iä Iä!

Q. Someone has played Curse! Weapon Becomes Evil on me, cursing a Class-specific item. If I stop being that Class, can I unequip the item and stop being affected by the curse? 
A. No. For all practical purposes, once Weapon Becomes Evil was played, the Item stopped being an Item and instead became a persistent negative effect that is just hanging out with you. Therefore, it was already unequipped. But, equipped or not, it's a penalty that will affect you until the Curse is removed.

Q. If I play a Mutation or an Illusion on a Munchkin suffering from Paranoia, does that count as just one card having been played (the Mutation/Illusion) or two cards (the Mutation/Illusion and the new Monster). 
A. Any card that requires you to play another card with it (like Wandering Monster) counts as two cards, not one. This would include cards like Illusion and Mutation.

Call of Cowthulhu
Q. If I'm Schizophrenic, can I switch out an equipped weapon that works only with Class A for a weapon that only works with Class B if Schizophrenic makes me Class B? 
A. No. Schizophrenia only triggers once you are in combat. You cannot switch Items in combat. Additionally, any Items that give the first Class a bonus will not work in combat because you are not that Class.

Q. If a monster is killed by Bovine Intervention and it was the only monster in combat, does the munchkin still get the treasures? 
A. Yes. Because all remaining monsters (i.e., none) were defeated, the munchkin gets the treasure for the single monster he beat.

The Unspeakable Vault
Q. I've been affected by Bibliophobia. The card says I cannot use any card with the words "book" or "-icon" in the name. Does that mean the card Necronookiecon is exempt from that? 
A. By designer's intent, Bibliophobia does include Necronookiecon. We respect your try, however!

Crazed Caverns
Q. The rules say that when you play a Portal card from your hand or kick down the Door to find a Portal, you draw a replacement card. What happens if I discard a Portal to power an ability or fulfill the effects of Bad Stuff or curses?                                                           
A. Because the Portal card was never in play, you would not draw a replacement card.

Q. Den of the Dholes sucks! Is it really as much of a game-killer as it seems? 
A. Only if you leave it in play. Remember that anyone can discard a Dungeon and draw a new one on their turn by discarding four cards from their hand.

Q. In the Tunnel of Tsathoggua, can I Look For Trouble and fight just the Obscene Toad Thing? 
A. No. Obscene Toad Things are desperately shy and will not appear in combat unless there is another monster to share the spotlight.

