After opening the wooden treasure-like chest game package, you are found among a wealth of different bits of the game. There are maps of the game, tokens, many different cards and ziplock bags for storage.
Let's see in detail what is in the package:
1. 4 map-boards made from hard cardboard. The four pieces of the map are:
a) Western Europe and North-West Africa,
b) Eastern Europe and the North-Eastern Africa,
c) Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of West Africa,
d) the Indies.
2. 2074 TOKENS
a. Tokens that symbolize 18 cultures
a1) 55 tokens population (+ 1 extra)
a2) 9 city tokens
a3) 4 vessel tokens
a4) 2 tokens for the A. S. T/Cencus (+ 2 extra)
b. Tokens that symbolize the barbarians
b1) 18 Pirate cities tokens
b2) 50 Barbarians tokens
c. Tokens of 5 different colours symbolizing the respective Credit for the purchase of Civilization Advancement Cards.
1. 30 credit tokens with a value of 5 in 5 colours
2. 30 credit tokens with a value of 10 in 5 colours
3. 30 credit tokens with a value of 20 in 5 colours
4. 30 credit tokens with a value of 50 in 5 colours
5. 4 credit tokens with a value of 100 in 5 colours
D. 1+1 Turn Marker (+1 extra)
Ε. 70 tokens OUT OF PLAY
F. 18 Players Mats
G. 1 double sided Archaeological Succession Table (A.S.T.)
g1. A side (Basic)
g2. B side (Expert)
I. 840 Trade Cards
1. Blue set:
a) 201 cards for the West
b) 201 cards for East
c) 10 water cards
d) 7 extra cards
2. Orange set:
a) 172 cards for the West
b) 172 cards for East
c) 10 water cards
d) 7 extra cards
J) 18 Player Sequence Cards
K) 18 The Short Game Scenario Cards
L) 729 Civilization Advancement Cards
M) 10 Double Sided player aids
m1) A side: Strategy Explorer
m2) B side: ‘Calamity Resolution’-quickchart
N) 1 Rulebook
O) 1 “THE FIRST GAME” scenario booklet
P) 12 Trade cards holders
Q) 1 set of ziplock bags for storage
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