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The first thing we have to learn are the mechanics of the game and then we'll see the features of each character that we can play.
The first thing we have to learn are the mechanics of the game and then we'll see the features of each character that we can play.
There are eight traits onto each character's profile, and these are:
1. WOUNDS (W): this indicator shows how much damage a character can take before dying. The more points he has the more durable he is.
2. MOVEMENT (m): this indicator shows how many squares the character can move.
3. WEAPON SKILL (WS): this indicator shows us how skilled is our character in melee.
4. BALLISTIC SKILL (BS): this indicator shows us how skilled is our character using his ranged weapons.
5. STRENGTH (S): this indicator shows us how strong is our character. The higher the number is the greater is the damage he can do in melee.
6. TOUGHNESS (T): this indicator shows us how durable is our character. The higher the number is lesser is the damage can accept.
7. INITIATIVE (I): this indicator shows us how fast is our character. The character's Initiative stat determines when he takes his turn in the game.
8. ATTACKS (A): this indicator shows us how many attacks can make our character in a round of melee combat. Though the characters have a single attack the monsters they encounter can have more than one.
Then each player receives the following:
1. The figure of his character.
2. One card with the character’s statistics.
3. One card with the special equipment he carries. The Barbarian gets the Lantern. Whoever carries the Lantern is the leader of the party. The Mage takes a papyrus with a spell. The Dwarf takes the rope. The Elf gets the healing potion.
4. A small round cardboard token, which is used in case you need a random character selection.
5. A sheet on which you can write everything that happens in the adventure.
The Barbarian carries the Lantern. That makes him the leader of the party. In addition, whoever carries the lantern is the one who can enters in an unexplored room. Anyone who is not in the same room with the character who carries the Lantern, is considered lost.
He has the Berserk special ability. Every time he walks into battle, roll a die. Add +1 for every monster that has killed in the Adventure (each time he kills a monster you should write on the sheet that you received at the beginning). If you bring 6+, then he gains an extra attack. If you roll 1, then he causes 1 wound on all models he touches, friendly and hostile.
The Mage carries a papyrus with a spell, which he can use it only once. The Mage has the ability to cast spells. In each round the mage rolls a die and adds the number he rolled as power tokens on his sheet. If you roll 1 then an Unexpected Encounter occurs.
The Dwarf gets the rope. He can use the rope to break free a character who has fallen into a pit. If you roll 1 or 2, the rope breaks. When the Dwarf fights in melee, if he causes damage to a monster then he rolls two dice and he always keep the highest. If he brings doubles, adds the result. If he rolls double 1, he can do nothing in that round. The monsters can attack him with a +2 modifier for that round.
The Elf gets the healing potion. He can use it only once. He can restore a character to full wounds.
He has the Dodge special ability. Every time he is hit roll a die. If he rolls a 6 he avoids the blow completely.
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