Move: 5
Agility: 3+
Vigour: 2
If you have not made a Command (2+) action by the end of your turn, roll on the behaviour table to see what the Gryph-hound does.
Whenever you set up the Excelsior Warpriest, set up the Gryph-Hound as close to him as possible (unless it is already on the board). The Gryph-hound is not a hero though but adversaries treat it as though it is one. It can pass through models from either side as it moves.
When thn Gryph-Hound attacks, pick an adjacent adversary and roll two dice. For each dice that scores 4 or more, the adversary suffers a wound. If the Gryph-Hound slays an adversary, the Warpriest gain a point of renown.
Wounding the Gryph-Hound
When the gryph-hound suffers a wound, place a wound marker next to it. If a second wound marker is placed next to it, discard the wound markers and remove the Gryph-hound from the board. Next time there is a respite, set it up as close to the Excelsior Warpriest as possible.
1-2 Rest: Remove a wound marker from the Gryph-hound. If it has no wound markers, move the Gryph-hound instead.
3-4 Defend: The Gryph-hound moves towards the enemy that is closest to the Warpriest. It then attacks that enemy if it is adjacent. If there are no enemies, or the Warpriest is not on the board, move the Gryph-hound instead.
5-6 Hunt: Move the Gryph-hound, then attack an adjacent enemy with it.
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