This is part of the new Warhammer 40,000 with some of the biggest changes. We’ve already seen that Initiative has gone. Instead, the priority for striking is based on the previous phase, with those units that completed a charge swinging first.
Units that activate gain a free 3″ move towards the closest enemy. This can be used to get within 1″ of other enemy units, if you’re cunning, dragging more foes into the melee and preventing them from shooting next turn, even if you didn’t charge them directly (giving them no chance to overwatch). Enemy gun lines will need to be careful about how they position their supporting units, so as to avoid getting dragged into the fight too.
Following chargers, players take it in turns to activate units across the board to fight – this can get quite tactical, as both players need to choose the combats where dealing maximum damage will be important to them, while trying to limit enemy retaliation on their valuable or fragile models.
There are a few units that can interrupt this sequence to attack out of turn too – Tyranids with lash whips and Slaaneshi Daemons, for example – and it can also be influenced by Stratagems (more on these soon) if your army is Battle-forged, all of which add a nuanced level of tactical depth to the phase.
Players will have much more influence over the outcome of combat now, rather than purely the stats of the models involved, both in their own and in the opponent’s turns.
Another thing we have seen is that hit rolls are now fixed. This has the effect of making dedicated combat units generally hit on a 3+, while models representing the most competent warriors of the 41st Millennium (Guilliman, the Swarmlord, Ghazghkull Thraka, to name but a few) will now hit on 2+!
Close combat weapons also gain new rules – some will slice through armour easily, while others will hit with enough force to cause deal multiple wounds that can cripple or kill even powerful enemy models.
Αυτή η φάση έχει τις περισσότερες αλλαγές σε όλη την 8η έκδοση του Warhammer 40,000. Εδώ δίνεται έμφαση σε αυτούς που επιτέθηκαν πρώτοι παρά στο Initiative.
Οι επιτιθέμενοι έχουν το δικαίωμα να προχωρήσουν 3'' επί πλέον. Αν βρεθούν σε απόσταση 1'' από άλλη εχθρική μονάδα γίνεται πολλαπλή επίθεση (προσοχή λοιπόν).
Αφού έχουν γίνει όλες επιθέσεις ξεκινούν οι παίκτες εναλλάξ να ενεργοποιούν τις μονάδες τους (όπως το close combat του AoS).
Θα υπάρχουν μονάδες (όπως Tyranids με lash whips και Slaaneshi Daemons) και Στρατηγήματα τα οποία θα μπορούν να διακόψουν την φυσιολογική ροή της μάχης.
Το στάνταρ για μονάδες που είναι close combat το to hit θα είναι 3+. Εξαιρετικοί πολεμιστές (Guilliman, the Swarmlord, Ghazghkull Thraka κα άλλοι) θα είναι στο 2+.
Τα Close combat όπλα θα έχουν δικούς τους κανόνες. Άλλα θα έχουν διατρητική ικανότητα ενώ άλλα θα κάνουν πολλαπλά τραύματα.
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