Over the last several weeks, wise folk and spiritspeakers have been perplexed by a light growing stronger and stronger in the night sky. Priests of Kellos debated the omen it presented, but the dark prophets of the land knew the truth. There is a dark star in the sky. It is foretold that when the time is right, it will fall and rain destruction and darkness. The prophecy also states that the dark star’s fall will be heralded by a rain of shards from the night sky, each touched by the same corruption. Good hearts shall become corrupted and turn to evil and wicked ways. The stout and valorous shall become weak and cowardly. The charitable shall become pernicious. And even the great heroes of the land shall turn on each other and the people they were sworn to protect.
The coming of the dark star has long been foretold among the dark prophets of Terrinoth. When it falls, they say, an age of darkness will overtake the world, and its coming shall be heralded by a rain of dark shards that corrupt every stout and honorable soul. This dark and corrupted Terrinoth becomes the focus of your struggle to survive with the Fall of the Dark Star Scenario Pack.
Like other Scenario Packs, Fall of the Dark Star introduces an entirely new scenario to your games of Runebound, offering a substantially different experience with thirty new adventure cards: ten for each of the three archetypes. You may battle a Starborn Specter or travel to the Howling Valley in search of a fallen dark shard, but no matter where you go a new deck of story cards continues to raise the stakes as you search for the dark shards that fall from the heavens. Finally, you’ll find an entirely new hero, Zyla, a being from the Aenlong realm whose otherworldly powers have led her to become a hero of Terrinoth.
A prophesy tells on a star that will become so heavy with darkness that it will fall from the sky. As it does, it will spread corruption, turning to evil and lifelong friends to mortal enemies.
White Story Tokens: These tokens are prophetic visions. Once during his or her turn, a hero may spend 3 prophetic visions to gain 1 dark shard.
Black Story Tokens: These tokens are dark shards. A hero has +2 life for each of his or her dark shards.
Setup: Set aside the corruption deck.
Each time a hero gains a dark shard, that hero also draws 1 corruption card. Each time the ability on a corruption card is triggered, the affected hero can choose to discard 1 prophetic vision to cancel that ability's effects.
At the end of Act 2, resolve the prophesy.
There is no villain in this expansion. At the end of the game prepare to face the other heroes in a Multi-Hero Combat. The last man standing is the winner!
Prophecy: In turn order, each hero heals all damage then moves to the Curse Ruins. Then, all heroes enter into a final combat.
(A hero cannot retreat during the final combat. Defeated heroes are eliminated from the game).
Win the Game!
Corruption Cards |
1 Plastic Figure
1 Hero Card
30 Adeventure Cards
1 Scenario Card
10 Story Cards
15 Corruption Cards
3 Combat Tokens
1 Plastic Figure
1 Hero Card
30 Adeventure Cards
1 Scenario Card
10 Story Cards
15 Corruption Cards
3 Combat Tokens
Incorporating this expansion
Before playing your first game using Fall of the Dark Star, complete the following steps to incorporate the expansion contents into those from the base game:
Add the scenario, story, and adventure cards to their supplies. These components are used as a part of the Fall of the Dark Star scenario.
Add the hero sheet and combat tokens to their supplies.
Add the new corruption cards to the game box. These are used as a part of the Fall of the Dark Star scenario.
Expansion Icon
Some cards found in this expansion are marked with the Fall of the Dark Star expansion icon to distinguish these components from those found in the base game and other expansions. Cards not marked with the expansion icon are instead marked with their related scenario art.
Tactics is a new combat symbol that can be spent to copy other
symbols in play. As a combat action, a player can spend one Tactic symbol from his or her combat pool as a copy of a symbol
showing on any other token in any combatant’s combat pool.
Additionally, when a player is about to take damage, that player
can spend one Tactic symbol from his or her combat pool as a copy
of a symbol that would allow him or her to block or prevent that
Finally, the spending of Tactic symbols follows these restrictions:
Tactics cannot be spent in conjunction with other tokens. For example, a hero cannot spend Tactic as a copy of Physical while also spending 3 Physical worth of other tokens. These must be done as separate combat actions.
Since only enemies can spend Damage and only heroes can spend Physical or Magic, a hero cannot spend Tactic to copy Damage and an enemy cannot spend Damage to copy Physical or Magic.
Since the Tactic symbol is spent when it is used, it cannot be used to copy the effect of a Double symbol.
When Tactic is spent to copy a symbol with a number modifying it (e.g., 2 Physical), the number is also copied.
During the Fall of the Dark Star scenario, heroes will enter into
a multi-hero combat. This combat follows the same rules and
phases as normal combat with the following exceptions:
During the Cast Phase, if two or more heroes tie for initiative,
the hero earliest in the turn order goes first.
During the Action Phase, instead of alternating actions
between two players, play begins with the player with initiative
and proceeds clockwise to each player in turn.
When a hero is defeated, combat does not immediately end.
Instead, combat immediately ends when all heroes except one
have been defeated.
When a rule or ability used by a hero states to be used against
his or her foe, that hero must choose one foe in the combat.
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