Q: If Neferata casts Dark Mist on a unit of Blood Knights, do they get +1 to their save against all attacks?
A: No.
Q: If a Liche Priest’s Righteous Smiting is cast twice (or more) on the same unit, do the effects stack in any way (i.e. would the unit generate one additional attack for each instance of Righteous Smiting successfully cast on it every time a 6 or more is rolled to hit, including when rolling to hit for the additional attacks it makes)?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I use the Zombies’ Shambling Horde ability to create a unit that is larger than the normal maximum unit size for a Zombie unit in a Pitched Battle? Does it cost reinforcement points to use the ability?
A: No to both.
Q: If you have a Wight King with an Infernal Standard, do you start allocating wounds to one model in the unit, continuing until it fails the special save for being within range of the Standard (or there are no more wounds to allocate)?
A: Yes.
Q: After suffering casualties, in the following hero phase can a unit of Skeletons with a surviving Icon Bearer or Standard Bearer recover D6/D3/1 of any models – e.g. the Skeleton Champion and Hornblower in a unit of Skeleton Warriors – or just regular models, e.g. basic Skeleton Warriors in that unit?
A: You can recover any slain models from the unit, including Skeleton Champions, etc.
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