The Ghar Empire lies upon the part of the Antarean surface called the Determinate in the northern tropics of Obureg bordering the regionsdominated by the Algoryn Prosparate. It comprises some hundrends of systems in all. Very few of these systems are settled by the Ghar themselves or even used as permanent bases by them. Most of the systems that comprise the Empire are abandoned and ruinus worlds, planets attacked and plundered by the Ghar and afterwards largely ignored. a few are maintened as staging points for further conquests, protected by quantum gravity shields and fleets of defensive satellites.
Even these heavilly garissoned worlds are temporary assets soon to be abandoned when the Ghar war mashine moves on.
Ghar forces make use of disruptor technology that tears apart the fabric of space, causing spontaneous disruption that affects the local area- sometimes for years afterwards. We represent this during the game as follows.
A distinct order dice will be needed- an order dice that is different from the Ghar player's own order dice or those of his opponent. This is the 'distort dice'.
A distinct order dice will be needed- an order dice that is different from the Ghar player's own order dice or those of his opponent. This is the 'distort dice'.
At the start of each turn put the distort dice in the dice bag along with the order dice for the opposing sides.
When the Distort Dice is drawn this means the next order dice drawn must be used to give a down order. The unit has been entangled in an area of distorted space and we represent this by giving the unit a down order. All the usual rules that aply to down units of that type will aply to the affected unit in exactly the same way as if the player had deliberately give the unit a down order.
Note that the distort dice can affect either side, and the player whose unit is affected can choose any unit to give the down order to. The order can only be given to a unit that could otherwise be given a down order (and not to a unit of probes for example as they are always given a run order).
Normally, a single distort dice is used at a time, but a narrative scenario can introduce two or more distort dice to the mix.
When the Distort Dice is drawn this means the next order dice drawn must be used to give a down order. The unit has been entangled in an area of distorted space and we represent this by giving the unit a down order. All the usual rules that aply to down units of that type will aply to the affected unit in exactly the same way as if the player had deliberately give the unit a down order.
Note that the distort dice can affect either side, and the player whose unit is affected can choose any unit to give the down order to. The order can only be given to a unit that could otherwise be given a down order (and not to a unit of probes for example as they are always given a run order).
Normally, a single distort dice is used at a time, but a narrative scenario can introduce two or more distort dice to the mix.
Special Rules for Units
Leaders represent battle-hardened individuals with strong survival insticts and perhaps more than their fair share of luck. Unit leaders and characters have the leader special rule, enabling them to avoid danger in the midst of battle. This is indicated on the model's stat line as a special rule. The following rules aply.
If a model has the leader special rule then instead of becoming a casualty when it fails a Res test the test is re-rolled and the model only falls casualty if the second test is also failed.
A model with the standard leader rule can re-roll one failed Res roll at a time. A model that takes two hits and fails both of them will always fall casualty because it can only re-roll one of the diceand the other fail will invariably 'kill'.
A model with the leader 2 rule can re-roll two failed Res rolls at a time. So, a model that takes two hits and fails both can re-roll both again.
A model with the leader 3 rule can re-roll two failed Res rolls at a time. So, a model that takes two hits and fails all three can re-roll all three again.
Leaders 2 and 3 have the advantage of being able to re-roll more failed Res tests at once. However, remember it is not allowed to re-roll a re-roll no matter how many theoretical re-rolls a model may have. A leader 3 that suffers one hit and fails the Res test can still only attempt only one re-roll.
RF3: 3 Shots
Blast D4: D4 Blast Shots No Cover: Models hit by a disruptor shot get no cover bonus to their Res roll. Disruptor:
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