WARHAMMER 40,000 CODEX: SPACE MARINES Official Update Version 1.0


Page 131 – Sergeant Equipment 
Add ‘Combi-grav’. 

Page 137 – Chaplain Grimaldus, Unmatched Zeal 
Change the first sentence of this ability to read: 

‘If you roll a hit roll of 6+in the Fight phase for a model in a friendly Black Templars unit that is within 6" of Chaplain Grimaldus, that model can immediately make another close combat attack using the same weapon.’ 

Pages 139 and 190 – Wrist-mounted grenade launcher 
Change the AP value to read ‘-1’. 

Page 148 – Tactical Squad, Wargear Options 
Add a new bullet point as follows: 

‘The Space Marine Sergeant may take melta bombs.’ 

Page 149 – Scout Squad, Concealed Positions 
Change this ability to read: 

‘Concealed Positions: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models.’ 

Page 154 – Company Veterans, Wargear Options 
Change the second bullet point to read: 

‘• Any model may replace their bolt pistol with a storm shield or an item from the Melee Weapons or Pistols lists.’ 

Page 156 – Reiver Squad 
Replace the first bullet point with the following: 

‘• All Reivers in the unit may replace their bolt carbine with a combat knife. 

• The Reiver Sergeant may replace either his bolt carbine or heavy bolt pistol with a combat knife.’ 

Pages 160, 161 and 188 – Grenade harness 
Change the AP value to read ‘-1’. 

Pages 162, 169 and 189 – Melta bomb 
Change the Abilities text to read: 

‘You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon if the target is a Vehicle.’ 

Page 175 – Stalker, Damage chart 
Change the third value under ‘Remaining W’ to read ‘1-2’. 

Page 196 – Relics of the Chapter 
Add the following sentence: 

‘You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.’ 

Page 201 – The Sanctic Halo 
Change the first sentence to read: 

‘Ultramarines Captain or Chapter Master only.’ 

Page 208 – Space Marine Points Values, Other Wargear 
Add the following lines: 

Auxiliary grenade launcher | 1 
Centurion assault launchers | 3 
Ironclad assault launchers | 5’


Q: Is the cost of the combat shield included in the Company Champion and Company Champion on Bike’s points?
A: No. This (and all similar ‘other wargear’ found in the points values section must be paid for in the same way as a model’s weapons.

Q. Does Roboute Guilliman’s ability to return to the battle via the Armour of Fate require the controlling player to have reinforcement points for it?
A. No.

Q: If I use the Might of Heroes psychic power to bolster the Toughness characteristic of a model in a unit, which Toughness characteristic should be used if my opponent subsequently shoots the unit whilst the psychic power is still in effect?
A: In this case, use the Toughness characteristic of the majority of the models in the unit when the enemy makes wound rolls against it. If there is no majority, you may choose which of the values is used.

Q: If a model flees from an Adeptus Astartes unit, can an Apothecary use its narthecium to return a model to the unit?
A: No, the narthecium can only be used to return slain models to a unit.

Q. The points values for certain units is different in Index: Imperium 1 to the Dark Imperium Primaris Space Marines booklet? Which should I use?
A. Use the values printed in the Index book.

Q: Does Roboute Guilliman’s ability to return to the battle via the Armour of Fate require the controlling player to have reinforcement points for it?
A: No.

Q: If Sergeant Chronus is commanding a vehicle which is reduced below half its starting number of wounds, do I continue to use Chronus’ Ballistic Skill of 2+ or does it degrade in line with the vehicle’s damage chart (Ballistic Skill usually worsens as the vehicle suffers damage)?
A: The vehicle continues to use Chronus’ Ballistic Skill of 2+.
