Axis & Allies Miniatures was a miniature wargaming system including both a rule set and a line of 1/100 scale miniature armor (15 mm figure scale) collectible miniatures played on hexagonal maps. The game is set in the World War II era with units representing individual vehicles and artillery or squads of infantry.
Each unit in the game has a point value. Before the game is started the players determine how many points they will use, usually 100 points. The object of the game (usually) is to capture and hold an objective on the map until the end of the seventh round. The objective, however, is flexible and any number of other scenarios can be played.
The game rules are very simple and easy to learn. It is not bogged down by complicated rules. Later on, with the expanded rules, more rules came into effect, but they were optional. One especially compelling game mechanic, is the concept of simultaneous battle. In many miniatures games a group of units will approach and destroy an opposing unit removing it immediatelly. In A&A Miniatures, the destroyed units are not immediately removed but instead they are removed in a seperate phase of the game round. This gives the destroyed units a chance to return fire to their attackers.
Το Axis & Allies Miniatures ήταν ένα παιγνίδι με κανόνες για μάχες τακτικού επιπέδου στον Δεύτερο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Η κλίμακα του παιγνιδιού ήταν στα 15 χιλιοστά. Οι φιγούρες ήταν πλαστικές και βαμμένες.
Κάθε μονάδα είχε πόντους. Πριν από κάθε παιγνίδι οι παίκτες συμφωνούσαν για το πόσους πόντους θα έπαιζαν. Συνήθως το όριο ήταν 100 πόντοι. Αργότερα υπήρξαν κανόνες που επέτρεπαν και μεγαλύτερες μάχες. Ο σκοπός του παιγνιδιού ήταν οι παίκτες να πιάσουν τους αντικειμενικούς στόχους και να τους κρατήσουν μέχρι το τέλος του έβδομου γύρου.
Οι κανόνες ήταν εύκολοι, γρήγοροι και κατανοητοί. Με τα expanded rules εισήλθαν και κάποιοι επί πλέον κανόνες αλλά ήταν προαιρετικοί. Ένα από τα χαρακτηριστικά γνωρίσματα του παιγνιδιού ήταν η αμοιβαία ανταλλαγή πυρών. Σε πολλά παιγνίδια συνήθως η μία μονάδα πλησιάζει και καταστρέφει στον γύρο της την εχθρική μονάδα. Στο Axis & Allies Miniatures οι μονάδες αντάλλασαν πυρά ταυτόχρονα και οι απώλειες έφευγαν σε δική τους φάση.
Υπήρξαν συνολικά τρία αρχικά πακέτα και εννέα επεκτάσεις.
The rules- Οι κανόνες:
Base Starter Set: Released in the fall of 2005, contained 12 randomly selected units, four double-sided battle mats, 10 six-sided dice, a rulebook, and a set checklist.
Two-Player Starter Set: Contained 18 randomized units, 6 double-sided battle maps, and rulebook. Dice not included.
1939–1945 Two-Player Starter Set: Includes basic and advanced rule book, 10 pre-selected units (from 1939–1945 set), two double-sided maps, a rulebook, and eight dice.
Set II: Set of 45 models. Introduces Nationalist China, Poland, and Romania units, as well as new elements such as snipers and paratroops
Contested Skies: Set of 45 models (Set III). Features aircraft and air defenses as well as a single Australian unit
D-Day: Set of 45 models (Set IV). Introduces obstacles as well as Canadian units
Reserves: Set of 45 models (Set V). Introduces support and Hungarian units
1939–1945: Set of 60 models (Set VI). Mainly an "errata" expansion: recosted some units and changed others slightly. New scale for vehicles (15mm instead of 10mm).
North Africa 1940–1943: Set of 60 models (Set VII). Added commander vehicles, trucks and added Greek units
Eastern Front 1941–1945: Set of 60 models (Set VIII). Added Finnish units
Early War 1939–1941: Set of 50 models (Set IX). Introduces units from Belgium, Slovakia and South Africa.
Counter Offensive 1941–1943: Set of 50 models (Set X). Introduces units from the Independent State of Croatia, New Zealand, and Yugoslav Partisans.
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