Kings of War Errata v1.6

Main rulebook (note: page numbers are for the hardback copy) 

Page 59, Terrain Types Replace "There are four types" with "There are five types", add the following bullet point: "Hills - Hills have no impact on movement. For rules on how hills do impact play, see below." 

Page 55, Moving Chargers Replace the paragraph that begins “Once the charging unit is in contact with the target,” with the following: “Once the charging unit is in contact with the target, pick up the charger and align it with the side of the target you are charging so that the charger is flush with the target. The charging unit must still be contacting the initial point of contact with the target and clear of all other units.” 

Page 56, Proximity to Enemies: The Gamer’s Edition text is wrong. The hardback book is correct. The hardback book text is: Remember that when charging, units don’t have to stay 1" away from enemies, and this means that sometimes a charging unit may end up in contact with both its target and one or more enemy units it has not charged (e.g. when charging a unit that is part of a tight enemy battle line). In this case, you’ll have to nudge these enemy units away to ensure that they are no longer touching. 

Page 57, Multiple Charges section Replace the first sentence with: “If two or more of your units are able to charge the same enemy unit, they can do so, as long as they can all fit against the target facing once the charges are completed.” 

Page 57, Multiple Charges section Replace the last paragraph with: “Also note that, in multiple charges, charging units charging the same target facing cannot cross each other’s way in, i.e. they cannot swap places and must remain in the same relative positions to the target facing when they started their charge (see the last example of Diagram H. Units A and B cannot swap places to try and result in the final situation shown in the middle example in the diagram and thus only the two units may legally charge).” 

Page 57, Counter Charge Replace the paragraph that begins: "Rather than making a normal Charge move..." With: “Rather than making a normal Charge move, simply pick up the Charging unit, turn it to face the target and align it flush with the target's front face.” 

Page 62, Cover Replace the paragraph that begins: "A unit which is standing on a hill ignores any intervening units […]” With: “A unit which is standing on a hill ignores any intervening units or pieces of terrain that have an equal or smaller height than the hill when determining if a target is in cover, except for pieces of difficult terrain that half or more of the target’s base is within.”

Replace the second bullet point with the following: • LOS to at least half of the target unit's facing passes over intervening units or terrain (including difficult terrain the target unit is in contact with) 

Change the “Big Targets” section to read: Intervening units/terrain that are three height levels smaller than either the firing unit or the target offer no cover. For example, height 1 units/terrain do not offer cover to or from height 4 units. Add a new section: “Height 0 units” Like obstacles, these are considered to be height 1 for determining cover, but never block Line of Sight. 

Page 66, Target Remains—Chargers Pull Back Add the following at the end of the final paragraph: “In any case, all chargers who charged the same facing must end up the same distance from the unit they charged.” Page 71, Individuals Add the following paragraph to the melee section. "An Individual who does not start the turn in contact with Difficult Terrain that would otherwise block line of sight (such as a height 4 forest for a height 1 hero(infantry) model) may not pivot into the Difficult Terrain to see through it in order to declare a charge." 

Page 86, Scenario 5: Loot! Controlling Loot Markers Replace the first paragraph with the following: During the game, when one of your units ends a phase of its own turn (excluding Vanguard moves) on top of or in contact with a loot counter, it can pick it up as long as there is no enemy unit also in contact with the counter. That unit will then carry the loot counter. 

Page 87, Scenario 5: Loot! After the paragraph that begins “If one of your units is Routed” add “Loot tokens may be placed under units with the Individual special rule if no other units are available to receive them. In this case, the Individual is not carrying the Loot token, but is defending it. The Loot token must be placed before the Individual carries out its Regroup action. If the Individual chooses to move forwards or backwards as its Regroup action, the Loot token does not move with the Individual.”

Page 100, Forces of Basilea, High Paladin on Dragon Minimum base size is 50x50mm 

Page 124, Elf Armies, Dragons Breath War Engine Replace Ra4+ with Ra 

Page 137, Kingdoms of Men, The Captain Master Tactician cannot be used on allied units. 

Page 163, Forces of the Abyss, Chroneas Replace the unit entry heading with the following: Chroneas [1] Monster 

Page 165, Ba’su’su the Vile,does not have the Fury special rule. Page 184, Goblin Armies, Slasher The “small sharpstick thrower” option on the Slasher should additionally have the Blast(D3) special rule. 

Page 191, Orc Armies, War Drum Replace Great Thunder special rule text with the following “Friendly, non-allied units within 6” of this unit have +2 to their Waver and Rout Nerve values. This effect does not stack with Rallying!.” 

Page 203, Undead Armies, Mhorgoth Touch of Darkness may only be given to a unit with the Shambling special rule. 

Uncharted Empires 
Page 13, Brotherhood, Exemplar Hunter Becomes Hero (Cav) when the mount option is taken. 

Page 18, Salamanders, Ghekkotah Warriors Hordes have 40 attacks. 

Page 24, The Herd, Spirit Walkers Hordes have 40 attacks. 

Page 37, The League of Rhordia, Halfing Army Standard Bearer Becomes Hero (Cav) when the mount option is taken. The Trident Realm of Neritica 

Page 40, Water Elemental regimentsare 150 points. Page 41, Gigas Horde Nerve is 15/17. 

Page 42, The Riverguard Captain has the Individual special rule. 

Page 42, Greater Water Elemental has the Pathfinder special rule. 

Page 51, Empire of Dust, Cursed High Priest Replace “Breath Attack” upgrade with “Fireball”. 

Page 54, Night-Stalkers, Blood Worms Horde Nerve is 18/21, Legion Nerve is 24/27. 

Page 55, Shadowhounds* Troop Nerve is 11/14. Page 55, Needle-Fangs Regiment Nerve is 10/13. 

Page 71, Varangur, Herja of the Fallen. Judgement of Korgaan cannot be given to Herja herself. 

Destiny of Kings
Pages 25, 28, “We are Legion” Replace the text with the following: All Abyssal forces have the Endless Tide special rule for this scenario. When a unit arrives on the table because of this rule, they move onto the table from the Abyssal table edge. 

Page 47 Add the below section. These may be included within armies using the normal selection. 
Rordin the Dwarf, change to Inspiring (Dwarf Army List only). He will only inspire units from the Dwarf army list. 

Demon Lord Ba’el, Bane of the Mortal Kingdoms has Thunderous Charge (2) rather than Thunderous, and Charge (2).
