Horus Heresy-Betrayal at Calth: Scenario VII: Rise

Scenario VII: Rise
Kurtha Sedd has embraced damnation, and in so doing damned his traitorous followers along with him. The Dark Chaplain has summoned a tide of Warp-spawned obscenities from the void below. Sedd believes that the Daemons of Chaos are his to command - but he is to be sorely disappointed. Boiling up from the pit, a swarm of abominations falls upon loyalist and traitor alike, embroiling them in desperate battle...

Pftarad Kol leaned around the fluted pillar and fired at the approaching Ultramarines. The holt-rounds caught a Cataphractii Terminator in the chest, striking sparks from his armour. Even these direct hits did little more than stagger the blue and gold armoured behemoth. Cursing, Pharad Kol swung back into cover, teeth gritted behind his faceplate as return fire blew chunks of rubble from the pillar.

Sedd had led them to this, he thought bitterly. The Chaplain had sworn that the Oded would deliver them. As the Cataphractii's pounding footfalls drew close Pharad Kol hoped that deliverance would be swift.
As though his thought had summoned it, a voice screamed out over the clangour of battle.
Daemons! Daemons'.

From behind the lunatic yell came a terrible cacophony of gibbering and screaming that no human throats could have made. Pharad Kol had a split second to relish the sudden confusion amongst the Ultramarines, and the sight of a hideous tide spilling up over the lip of the abyss.
Then the pillar at his back exploded, hurling the Word Bearer onto his face.
He rolled over, ears ringing, and fired his bolter wildly at his assailant. The Cataphractii waded through stone dust and bolt shells, not even trying to duck aside from the point-blank shots. One contemptuous swipe of a lightning claw ripped the weapon from Pharad Kol's hands, sending most of the Word Bearer's mangled left hand sailing after it. With a curse, the traitor tried to rise, but the Ultramarine's next swipe hit him full in the chest and threw him through the air.

Pharad Kol landed with a bone-breaking crunch in a heap of rubble. Vision swimming, the Word Bearer looked up at the Ultramarine looming over him. The Cataphractii raised his talons for the killing blow, but before he could strike a surging wave of horror engulfed him. Flailing tentacles and shimmering claws tore at his limbs. Ethereal fangs sank through armour and flesh into the soul below, and the Ultramarine roared in horror as he was borne off his feet and buried in a heaving mass of daemonic flesh.
Slowly, painfully, Pharad Kol began to laugh, blood gurgling in every exhalation, yet he could not help himself. Damned. They were all damned. This was their deliverance. When the twisted shape of the daemon flowed over his mangled body and poured itself into his mind, Pharad Kol did not even resist.

The Ultramarines Force consists of one Legion Veteran Tactical Squad and one Legion Terminator Squad. The Word Bearers Force consists of Kurtha Sedd and two Legion Veteran Tactical Squads.
You will also need 20 models to represent the Daemons Kurtha Sedd has summoned from the abyss. Bloodletters of Khorne, Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Daemonettes of Slaanesh or Horrors of Tzeentch are ideal. They are not part of either force at the start of the battle.

First, the Ultramarines player sets up his Cataphractii Sergeant and one other model from his Legion Terminator Squad in the deployment zone closest to the Abyss. Then the Word Bearers player sets up his force, split however he wishes between the three Word Bearers deployment zones.
Next, the Ultramarines player sets up the rest of his force, split however he wishes between the three Ultramarines deployment zones.

Finally, set up two Daemons in each hex of the Daemon Deployment Zone.
The Word Bearers player takes the Initiative in the first round.

The Ultramarines player takes three random cards into his hand. Then each player creates a Command Deck of six random cards.

The Abyss: Models cannot move into Abyss hexes. Any model that is forced to Retreat while in a hex that is adjacent to an Abyss hex is removed as a casualty.

Chaos and Carnage: At the start of each round, roll a dice for each unit of Daemons. If the result is a Hit, Critical Hit or Blank, mark the unit with a Word Bearers Tactical Marker showing two Tactical Points - they are treated as part of the Word Bearers Force this round. If the result is a Shield, mark the unit with an Ultramarines Tactical Marker showing two Tactical Points - they are treated as part of the Ultramarines Force this round.

Daemons:  Players can take actions with Daemon units that are part of their force during their turn as normal. However, Daemon units cannot attack other Daemon units, and are never pinned by them. Furthermore, Daemon units cannot make Consolidate actions. Daemons have the following characteristics:

Armour 1
Stamina 1
Assault 2
Bulk 1

If a unit of Daemons is forced to retreat, it must make a Desperate Last Stand.

Daemonic Weapons: When Daemons make Melee Attacks, they have the following Critical Effect: The first target model reduces its Armour value by 1 when making its Defence Roll.

Wave of Abominations: At the end of each round, more Daemons claw their way out of the abyss. The Word Bearers player rolls a dice for each hex in the Daemon Deployment Zone. Set up 3 Daemons there on a Critical Hit, 2 on a Hit and 1 on a Shield. If there is not enough space, any excess Daemons are not set up. There can never be any more than 20 Daemons on the board at once.

The Word Bearers player must take advantage of the tide of Daemons and obliterate the Ultramarines before they can rally and launch a counter-attack. If the last Ultramarines model on the board is removed as a casualty, the game ends and the Word Bearers player is victorious. If the Word Bearers player has no cards in his Command Deck at the start of any round, the game ends and the Ultramarines player is victorious.
