Warhammer Quest (original)-EXPLORATION PHASE

The caverns beneath the Worlds Edge Mountains cover many miles, tortuously twisting this way and that as they lead deep underground. As the adventurers advance into the dungeon they will uncover ancient passages, long-abandoned rooms, and stairways hewn into the rock.

During the Exploration Phase the players put down new board sections to extend the dungeon. To do this the Warriors must explore the darkness beyond the gaping doorways.

Only the leader can explore using the lantern to light the way for the other adventurers. Exploration is only possible if there are no Monsters on the board section the leader is on. It is impossible for the leader to explore in the midst of the hurry burly of combat.

To explore, the leader must be positioned next to a doorway that leads into an unknown part of the dungeon. In the exploration phase the player declares that he is exploring and takes a card from the top of the Dungeon deck. The card will reveal the room or corridor that lies beyond the doorway.

Take the appropriate board section and clip it to the doorway as shown on the diagram opposite.

It is a good idea to place the Dungeon card face-up on the new board section to remind yourself that no-one has entered it yet.

Once a new board section has been put down, the Warriors will be able to move into it next turn in the Warriors' Phase. There is no obligation to enter a room or corridor that you have discovered. Players may prefer to explore other parts of the dungeon first.

The Exploration Phase is now over and play proceeds to the Power Phase of a new turn.

If you find a T-junction place the board section on your playing surface as normal. Now, before you do anything else, you must divide the Dungeon deck! The Warriors know their objective lies one way or the other, but they don't know which! Dealing from the bottom of the Dungeon deck, deal out one card at a time to the left and to the right until you have two separate decks. Place one deck at each of the two new exits of the junction. As the Warriors explore, use the left Dungeon deck for the left hand branch of the dungeon, and the deck on the right for the right hand branch.

If you run out of cards, or if the Warriors reach the end of one route without finding the objective room, then further progress in that direction is impossible. The Warriors will have to retrace their steps or abandon their quest.
